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Congrès Infra 2017

4 au 6 décembre

Biographies des conférenciers

Meghan MacSween has experience in municipal and land development engineering. She has provided consulting engineering services to public- and private-sector clients on a variety of potable water, stormwater, wastewater, and land development projects. Meghan’s range of services includes feasibility studies, water distribution system modeling, preliminary and detailed design, contract preparation and administration, master planning, stormwater management, servicing reports, and environmental assessments. Her areas of expertise include water distribution modeling and design, stormwater management, wastewater collection, pumping station design, trenchless technologies, and land development.

Résumé de conférence

In 2015, the University of Ottawa (University) decided to investigate all their underground infrastructure on their campuses with the intent of preparing an overall intervention plan to plan interventions based on priorities identified by the condition assessment report.  The University asked for proposals from Engineering firms to provide a campus-wide inventory and condition assessment on the water and sewer infrastructure. The assessment included both private (University-owned) and public (City owned).

The University received and reviewed RFPs that included the cleaning and CCTV inspection of their sewer infrastructure and a live watermain inspection of their watermains.  Parsons, won the project and worked with Clean Water Works for the sewer component and with GAME Trenchless Consultants for the watermain component of the assignment. The investigations were completed within the main campus in downtown Ottawa, the 200 Lees campus and some additional watermains were assessed within the Alta Vista campus in 2015-2016.

The length of watermains, storm sewers, storm services, catch basin leads, sanitary sewers and sanitary services investigated are summarized as follows: Watermains - 2,410 meters, Storm Sewers - 3,428 meters, Sanitary Sewers - 3,493 meters, Storm laterals (including catch basins) 2,104 meters and Sanitary laterals 1,727 meters.

Most of the watermain sections inspected were in good condition. The total estimate of probably cost of the upgrades which were recommended for the watermains on the Main Campus approximately $600,000.  

Sanitary and Storm sewers assessments on the University campuses, varied in condition ratings, but for the ones having the most severe ratings of 4 or 5, the approximate rehabilitation/renewal costs are approximately $1.4 million for sanitary and approximately $634,000 for storm.

Having gone through the entire inspection and condition assessment of its underground infrastructure, the University can now plan its capital and maintenance works for the years to come.


Higher Learning - University Condition Assessment
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