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Marina Khoury, DPZ CoDesign

Congrès INFRA 2019

2 au 4 décembre

Biographie de la conférencière

Marina Khoury is an expert in sustainable urban redevelopment, regional planning, transit-oriented developments, affordable housing and form-based codes. As a partner at DPZ Partners, she has been Director of its Washington D.C. office since 2007. A licensed architect and fluent in several languages, Khoury has worked on the design and implementation of projects in the US, Canada, Europe and the Middle East including ground-breaking new codes around the world that mandate resilient urbanism. She speaks globally widely on issues related to Smart Growth and affordable, sustainable, and walkable communities.  Marina is one of 20 members on the Expert Committee of Global Forum on Human Settlements (UNEP-GFHS) International Green Model City (IGMC) Initiative, under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).  She currently chairs the Form Based Code Institute Board, a program of Smart Growth America.

Résumé de conférence

As cities in Canada experiences dynamic growth and structural changes, it is crucial to reflect on where and how they should grow to be more inclusive, livable and healthy. Cities, towns and suburbs are increasingly using form-based codes (FBCs) to govern the shape of their built environment to reflect market realities and demographic shifts.  Specifically, the use of FBCs has permitted cities to establish rules for neighborhood placemaking and helped city leaders and stakeholders make better choices to allow for mixed-use urban environments that increase spatial and social equity to create a more just city.  Learning to develop place-based urban coding regulations to create resilient, walkable neighborhoods is increasingly of paramount importance for cities and towns to enhance their livability and remain globally competitive. This presentation will focus on best practices related to design, policy and regulatory issues that directly affect the way we live and experience cities. FBCs can provide a practical and implementable framework under which places can thrive by fostering equitable economic growth and by designing places people love that create legacies of enduring value and shared history.  Learn practical design solutions available for regions, cities and neighborhoods intended to support the complexities of human settlements that strengthen communities through choice and diversity. Learn how FBCs differ from conventional codes in ways that can help mitigate inequalities, and support policies and practices that encourage mixed-income and missing middle housing, transit-oriented development, sprawl repair and complete streets.  FBCs have a proven track record of delivering such places and the value they bring to city planning from a triple bottom-line sustainability standpoint will be explained. 


From vision to regulations: Making urban transformation work for inclusive cities
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