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Kurt Vause, StreamlineAM, LLC
Todd Helgeson, StreamlineAM, LLC
Conférences et présentations (INFRA)

INFRA 2015

30 novembre au 2 décembre
Centre des congrès de Québec, Québec
Titre anglais : Optimizing Condition Assessment Planning - A Risk Based Approch (La conférence est présentée en anglais)
Biographie du conférencier : Kurt Vause, StreamlineAM, LLC 

Kurt Vause a près de 17 ans d’expérience comme directeur de l’ingénierie de l’Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility (AWWU), où il est responsable du programme des immobilisations du service Strategic Asset Services and Planning. De plus, M. Vause est le cofondateur de StreamlineAM, LLC, une firme de consultant en services publics située en Alaska. Il a également déjà occupé les postes suivants :

  • membre du conseil d’administration de la WEF;
  • directeur de la section Alaska de l’AWWA;
  • membre du Water Utility Council (WUC) de l’AWWA;
  • vice-président du comité de gestion des actifs de l’AWWA.

Résumé de la conférence

Planning water main condition assessment should be a rational and thoughtful process resulting in maximal value for minimal costs for cities and Utilities.  Effective CA planning can be done at different levels depending on the available data, funding, size of the utility, and size and goal of the CA Program.  Proactive CA can effectively be blended with risk assessment and management and long term utility planning efforts.  Holistic risk assessments, which include likelihood and consequence assessments, are useful in assisting utilities in determining where and when condition assessment provides greatest value.  Even low resolution risk analysis can provide great value.  These consequence and likelihood assessments can be used to translate into cost-effective situation specific CA planning. 

There are a wide variety of condition assessment technologies available with equally wide costs and types of actionable data. These encompass everything from basic leak detection to lab-based pipe wall assessment.  Each technology has advantages and disadvantages, from size applicability, specificity of resultant data, costs, invasiveness, etc. and therefore can be more or less applicable to different situations. 

Due to the number of different variable involved in the decision making process for condition assessment, decision trees can be a useful tools in planning for condition assessment and determining the budget and goals for the assessment.  The City of Bozeman, with help from StreamlineAM and AE2S has developed and adopted a basic decision tree based on a utility wide risk assessment that will help plan for condition assessment efforts during its next master planning process.  This presentation will review the steps taken, and the lessons learned from developing this decision tree and the associated case studies to support this decision tree. 



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