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Natalia Moudrak, Université de Waterloo

Congrès INFRA 2018

19 au 21 novembre

Biographie de la conférencière

Natalia Moudrak is the Director of Infrastructure Adaptation Program at the Intact Centre. Natalia advances the development of guidelines and standards for building more flood-resilient communities in Canada and advocates for the preservation of natural infrastructure as a key climate change adaptation solution. Prior to joining the Intact Centre, Natalia worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers Canada, Risk Assurance Services. Natalia holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and a master’s degree in Urban Planning from the University of Waterloo. She is a member of Canadian Water and Wastewater Association climate change committee, the National Research Council’s committee on flood resilience, and represents Canada as a subject matter expert on stormwater management at the ISO international standards development committee.

Résumés des conférences

Prioritization Framework and Best Practices for Flood Risk Reduction (Existing Residential Communities) : The Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation (Intact Centre) is working with municipal, provincial and federal stormwater management and flood risk reduction experts, engineering consultants, insurance industry representatives, conservation authorities, developers, homebuilders and other stakeholders across Canada, to develop guidance on technically-feasible and cost-effective approaches to reduce flood risk in existing residential communities in Canada. On-going activities of the National Committee will be discussed, along with other relevant national initiatives like the Canadian Standard Association (CSA)’s basement flood prevention guideline and the Home inspector training Program.

Best Practices for Flood Resiliency in New Communitie :The presentation will first provide financial background and socio-economic drivers pushing for flood resiliency in new communities. Ensuring that new communities are built under the direction of best practices is necessary to combat ever-worsening extreme weather that, if not addressed, will result in costly and unremitting flood damage. Accordingly, the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation (Intact Centre) engaged with municipal stormwater and flood management experts, engineering consultants, developers, homebuilders and other stakeholders across Canada to identify best practices for flood-resilient residential community design. The Standards Council of Canada supported this effort, with the objective that the report will inform the development of a flood-resilient community design standard for new residential subdivisions in Canada. The report profiles 20 best practices to be incorporated into the design and construction of new flood-resilient residential communities in Canada.


Prioritization Framework and Best Practices for Flood Risk Reduction (Existing Residential Communities) - Best Practices for Flood Resiliency in New Communitie - En ANGLAIS
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