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Mélissa Osborne, City of Windsor
Ronnie Flannery-Guy, Aqua Data

Congrès INFRA 2018

19 au 21 novembre

Biographie des conférenciers

Melissa Osborne is a long-standing member of the Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM) and is the current Chair of CNAM. CNAM’s mission is to advance asset management practices through leadership, innovation and collaboration. Their membership is largely municipal asset managers from across Canada. In her role with CNAM she has participated in various discussions and activities with the Regional Communities of Practice, FCM as well as Infrastructure Canada as it relates to the growing need to address infrastructure needs, use of asset management and various challenges municipalities’ experience. As the Senior Manager of Asset Planning for the City of Windsor her division is responsible for developing corporate asset management practices as well as assisting operational areas in obtaining grant funding as well as addressing gaps in their data and process advance their respective asset management plans.

Depuis 2007, monsieur Flannery-Guy agit en tant que représentant d’Aqua Data, responsable du développement des services pour l’Ontario et du logiciel à travers le Québec et l’Ontario. Il est également chargé de client pour divers mandats, dont les projets d’auscultation des réseaux d’égouts pour les villes de Toronto, Oakville et Halton, entre autres, et offre la formation à l’utilisation du logiciel aquaGEO. Il s’est joint à l’équipe d’Aqua Data en 2000, occupant successivement plusieurs postes au sein de la compagnie. Il est membre de plusieurs organisations, dont le Conseil permanent des infrastructures souterraines du CERIU, participant activement dans divers comités de travail. Il représente le CERIU auprès de la NASSCO et auprès de la CSA dans les dossiers concernant l’uniformisation de protocoles d’analyse et de stockage de données d’inspection de réseaux d’égouts.

Résumé de conférence

The City of Windsor experienced two 100 year storms in less than 1 year. As a result one of the 8 key projects to help the City find opportunities for improvement was to expedite condition inspections for 80% of their sewer network, which current was only subjective assessments. The selected Aqua Zoom technology assists in the formulation of a prioritized maintenance-management program for all sewers and manholes. By focusing condition assessment on 10,000 manholes and connecting pipes installed before 1995, the City intends to bridge the gap on the risk and level of service using the Zoom technology to identify where strategic maintenance and cleaning should be placed as well as identifying areas where more detailed CCTV inspections are required. Managing this amount of data (approx. 10,000 mh records and videos, 22,000 pipe records and videos) and making it available for use by the different departments within the City required extensive changes to the City's existing processes and systems. Bringing value from the data required changes to the City's various intervention strategies related to the operational and maintenance activities such as: 1. Emergency repair management 2. Inspection strategies 3. Sewer cleaning strategies 4. Database updates The data will also place the City at a strategic advantage to tactically allocate funding at appropriate levels for operations, maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction, becoming a game changer for the City.
