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To Dowload the Call for Speakers Click here: Call of speakers (in coming)

To Dowload the Call for Speakers Form, click here: Call of speakers form infra 2024 (in coming)

Selection Committee

Conference proposals will be evaluated by the co-chairs of the organizing comittee M. Martin Gaudette Director of Laval City

Selection Criteria

Submit a case study, an applied experimental project or an applied study project. 
The projects presented must be completed with known and validated conclusions.
Innovative character associated with urban infrastructure or advanced technologies.
Supported by concrete data and results, validated by independent firms, companies or organizations.
Demonstrate a multidisciplinary approach 


Be available to give the presentation on the day of the conference selected for the theme
No promotional presentations will be accepted, except for conferences in the exhibitor session
A project from a public organization must be presented with a representative from the organization
A university project of applied study must be presented jointly by the student and the professor
Accept the presentation broadcast
Submit the Powerpoint presentation before the conference for posting on the CERIU website

Presentation modalities

The presentation should last 20 minutes with a additional 5-minute question period
The speaker will have to submit his presentation (Powerpoint) to the organization at the latest on Friday November 1st, 2023 in 16:9 format
The speaker agrees to use the font ARIAL in minimum 18 pts.

Important dates

Deadline for Submission of Forms: June 9th, 2023
Confirmation of Speakers : August 1st 2023
Submission of the Speakers' Presentation: November 1st, 2023
INFRA Convention: December  4th and 5th 2023


The selection committees wish to provide some guidance for the conference proposals, in addition to relevance to the theme.

Urban development :

  • Climate changes;
  • The challenges of Urban densification;
  • Equity in urban planning and community resilience;
  • Urban integration of infrastructure and quality of life in environnements;
  • Governance – how to integrate the adaptive notion into urban planning processes ?;
  • Multidisciplinarity of interventions and urban infrastructure sectors (integrating surface and underground infrastructure).
  • The convergence of all the visions and objectives of the stakeholders;
  • New ways to manage urbanization;
  • Research and innovation in urban development as ways to adapt for the city of tomorrow;
  • Transitional urbanism;
  • Greening and green infrastructure to create the city of the future;
  • Social acceptability;

Underground infrastructures : 

  • Stabilization and protetion of works;
  • Quality control and good practices in the protection of underground infrastructures;
  • Network inspections and status;
  • Critical infrastructure security: business cases;
  • Artificial intelligence;
  • Resilience of underground infrastructure to natural phenomena;
  • Compliance with standards and regulations in an evolving context;

Urban technical networks:

  • Infrastructure congestion in the public space including RTU;
  • New technologies;
  • Maintenance and upkeep of infrastructure;
  • Good practices in wireless (5G);
  • Best practices for network deployment;
  • Best practices during interventions;
  • Urban densification issues;
  • Climate change (new energies measures to be put in place);
  • Network mapping;
  • Engineering optimization at the design stage;

Surface infrastructure:

  • Projects and initiatives related to climate change, resilience and reducing pollution;
  • Advances in materials recycling;
  • material performance and durability gains;
  • the design, development and maintenance of streets and other routes related to active transportation;
  • Initiatives for the Vision Zero approach;
  • New developments in surface infrastructure inspection methods;
  • Challenges and solutions in the fields of geotechnics, ground marking and LED lighting;
  • Innovative projects in works of art and urban structure;
  • The contractual framework for innovation;
  • The Performance contract;
  • Potential uses of digital modelling for urban infrastructures;

Asset Management: 

  • Sustainable development;
  • Adaptation to climate change;       
  • Resilience assessment and development;
  • Prediction of future issues;
  • the use and enhancement of data;
  • Asset management policies, strategy and processses; 
  • integration challenges;
  • optimization of the various resources (financial, human, material, spatial, etc...);
  • Acceptability, and integration of citizens into asset management processes;
  • Artificial intelligence: How to develop leadership in asset management;

Water Management: 

Innovations in the field;
the great challenges with climate change;
New technologies: artificial intelligence;
Interactions-development and networks Evolution for the operation pf networks and regulations;

Floods and stormwater:

  • Emerging approaches to planning and improving resilience; 
  • Practices and approaches for flood management in a built environnement;
  • Flood risk management; 
  • Resilient developments and the impacts of climate change;
  • Best practices in sustainable stormwater management and green infrastructure;

Drinking water and waste water:

  • Land management and development;
  • territory-wide water source protection, drinking water with watersheds;
  • Good practices in the supply and management of drinking water;
  • Overflow control and compensatory measures;
  • Adaptation to climate change;
  • Smart city integration;
  • Cross connections and environmental impact;

Speaker prices

CERIU has been working for 30 years to present you with a quality conference and we are pleased to count you among our loyal presenters. We would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in us and renew our desire to continue our collaboration.

For a long time, and as much as possible, we have maintained your free registration for the day of your presentation at INFRA. 
Today, we must announce that we are forced to charge the registration of the 2nd presenter of the same conference, if applicable. The current economic situation is difficult for an organization like ours. 

We value the relationship we have with our various INFRA stakeholders and we can assure you that we will continue to value the same importance in achieving our mission.