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Paul Pasko, SEH Inc.

INFRA 2016
21 au 23 novembre - Palais des congrès de Montréal


Biographie du conférencier : Paul Pasko, SEH Inc.

Monsieur Paul Pasko a été diplômé en 1998 de l'Université de l'Illinois à Urbana-Champaign. Il a commencé sa carrière d'ingénieur civil à Chicago. En 1996, il rejoint SEH, une firme de génie à Minneapolis, comptant 700 employés, qui œuvre dans les domaines de l'architecture, l’environnement, la planification pour le gouvernement, l'industrie et les clients commerciaux dans 42 états des États-Unis et du Canada. Depuis 2003, M. Pasko s'est spécialisé dans l'application des technologies sans tranchée pour la construction ou la réhabilitation des principaux projets de conduites d'égout et d'eau tout au long de la partie supérieure du Midwest des États-Unis.

Résumé de la conférence

At the conclusion of Shakopee’s street rehabilitation projects, the only old pipe remaining under the new streets are privately-owned laterals. To protect its new street pavement investment, the City is rehabilitating the laterals at their own expense using the ‘blindshot’ cured-in-place pipe lining method. The method involves cleaning, inspecting, and finally shooting the lining product about 30 feet up into the lateral from the main using as few cleanouts as possible. Shakopee will rehabilitate about 200 laterals per year for about 5 years.

Using a multi-media campaign Shakopee educated property owners about why and how they would rehabilitate the first 30 feet of their laterals. Shakopee also designed an internal process to deal with property owners who might hire their own contractor to rehabilitate the balance of their lateral.

Naturally, applying this innovative method on a project of this magnitude requires highly skilled contractors.  Next the project team figured out how to attract these out-of-state contractors to Shakopee at an economical bid price. Exhaustive research with engineers and contractors around the country revealed the way to do it was to creatively develop bidding documents allowing contractors installing liners meeting either ASTM 1216 or ASTM 2561 to challenge each other by bidding the project head-to-head.

Attendees of this session will discover how Shakopee bid blindshot method to foster a challenge between lining products meeting two different ASTM specifications, what the outcome of the challenge was during 2015, and what bearing the challenge might have on the future of the lateral lining.


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